Stefan Petre

eLiberatica second edition 2008

eLiberatica 2008 - The Benefits of Open and Free Technologies Conference

30th - 31st May 2008 (Friday-Saturday), Sofitel Hotel - Bucharest, Romania

Following the huge public success the first edition of eLiberatica gained in 2007, the second edition will continue in the same tradition: to gather community and business leaders around the world to talk about the hottest Open and Free Technologies topics.

eLiberatica has its unique spirit and identity; you will learn and discover new things, meet international IT personalities, business people, high-tech professionals, you will make new friends, new partners, celebrate and truly enjoy a live event.

eLiberatica 2008 is intended to focus on these main concepts:

For more information you can check website.

About paper submission

  • First of all, please check the conference topics posted on Conference Details section and see which of them are covered by your expertise; you can pick more than one topic. After that, please pick a meaningful name and write an abstract for your keynote speech.
  • Your abstract should be approximately 500-1000 characters and it should clearly define the topic of your presentation. It should also contain a descriptive title and the estimated talk time.
  • Together with your abstract, please send us a short bio in between 500 and 1000 characters (please check the last edition speaker bios for an example), a full resume (mentioning events and conferences where you presented in the past), and a picture with you. All these materials will help us to decide about your keynote approval; your bio and picture will be published under keynote profiles section.
  • Please send the documents in plain text format or in rtf in order to facilitate the evaluation procedure; the picture should be high resolution (will be printed in the conference catalogue too).
  • All these materials have to be submitted via e-mail at: var darAt = "@"; var darDot = "."; var darMat = "ailt"; var darM = "href="mailto:papers"+darAt+"eliberatica"+darDot+"ro"; var darRef = "a hre"; document.write('<'+darRef+'f="m'+darMat+'o:'+darM+'">'+darM+'');;
  • The materials will need to be submitted by 1st of March 2008, preferably sooner, in order to be reviewed by a program chair-person.


Nea popo

Disponibil in 4 culori, dar pentru comenzi mai mari de 4. Artist: David.

In ce tara traim

Inca nu imi vine sa cred, ce se poate intampla in Romania. Un sofer a omorat un pieton beat. La locul accidentului nu a ajuns decat un echipaj de politie, dar nu si morga. Pentru ca nu aveau masina sa transporte cadavrul la morga, politistii au pus mortul la sofer in portbagaj si sa-l duca la morga.

O secunda, sa inteleg si eu bine: omori un om; nu esti vinovat; omori un om deci esti socat, traumatizat; dupa aceea mai trebuie sa transporti cadavrul la morga. M-a socat imagine cu masina plecand si un picior ar mortului iesea inafara pentru ca nu avea loc in portbagaj.

Omul a ajuns la morga, dar a mai trebuit sa astepte 3 ore cu mortul in portbagaj pentru ca nu era nimeni disponibil sa ridice cadavrul.

Mai multe detalii aici

Şoferul aproape că şi-a pierdut minţile când şi-a dat seama că fără să vrea a omorât un om. Abia se ţinea pe picioare de spaimă, iar când a aflat că trebuie să şi transporte cadavrul la morgă cu propria lui maşină a fost la un pas de leşin.


Daca v-a placut modul in care sunt prezentate imaginile pe acest blog atunci o sa va placa si noul plugin pentru jQuery proaspat lansat de mine: Zoomimage .

Ce poti face eu acest plugin: 

Mai multe detalii aici.


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