Instrumente - Chrome extension
Collection of tools that you might need once in a while
Included tools:
- Text conversion: lowercase, uppercase, capitalize, HTML entities, URI
- Lorem ipsum generator: no. of paragraphs and words, full HTML with titles, lists and ordered lists
- Random password generator: password length, include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters and other characters
- E-mail obfuscation: result as JavaScript
- .htpasswd password generator
- Grid calculator: column width and number, gutter and total width
- Regular expression tester
- JavaScript, JSON, CSS and HTML beautifier
- List of HTML entities
Comentarii (1)
2 iul 2013, 11:30
Salut Stefan,
Pagina de contact nu functioneaza asa ca te contactez pe aceasta cale. Suntem interesati de o oferta de pret pentru un pachet de 10 articole, postate in decurs de un an pe blogul tau. Plata se va efectua dupa publicarea fiecarui articol. Ele vor fi scrise de tine si vor avea maxim 2 linkuri in content.
Astept un raspuns cu oferta ta pe mail.
O zi buna,