Stefan Petre

Rem converter for Less CSS

It's a small hack that adds a function to convert px into rem.

Find inside less.js or functions.js:

convert: function (val, unit) {
    return val.convertTo(unit.value);

and right after add:

rem: function (val, base) {
    var remSize = Math.round((val.value/base.value)*10000)/10000;
    return new(tree.Dimension)(remSize, 'rem');

And now you can convert px to rem. The following Less:

@remBaseSize: 14px;
    font-size: rem(16px, @remBaseSize);

Compiles to:

    font-size: 1.1429rem;

Comentarii (2)


15 apr 2014, 19:32

hello stefan
I use your slider spacegallery jquery
I'd like to have an autoplay
I don't want to need a click between the pictures.
How can I do it?
I'v tried it:
//default options (many options are controled via CSS)
defaults: {
border: 6, // border arround the image
perspective: 140, // perpective height
minScale: 0.2, // minimum scale for the image in the back
duration: 800, // aimation duration
loadingClass: null, // CSS class applied to the element while looading images
autoPlay: true, // Boolean: Animate automatically, true or false
speed: 500, // Integer: Speed of the transition, in milliseconds
delay: 4000, // Integer: Time between slide transitions, in milliseconds
before: function(){return false},
after: function(){return false}

thanks for all


23 sep 2014, 11:44

Hi Stefan,

I would like to know, how can I disable past days if I am using your DatePicker: I have tried onRender but couldn't figure it out!

Your help or hint is appreciated!

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